This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another Thing You Can Never Have Too Much Of

One of the KroBlog's first posts explained a simple fact: you can never have too much fleece. KroBlog readers from across the globe received this entry with comments like, "you're so right," and "wow, that's so true."

As it turns out, there's another simple truth out there: you can never have too many flashlights. This is especially true if you have kids. They are toys, they are protective weapons (keep a large Mag Light under your bed for an unexpected late night visitor), and it turns out they are used for looking at things in the dark.

Here are places you should keep a spare flashlight:
  • In your car
  • In a kitchen drawer
  • In the basement
  • Under your bed
  • In your dresser
  • In the coffee table drawer
  • On the front porch
  • In the bathroom
Our grandparents had candles, we have flashlights.

You can never have too many flashlights.