This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's All Greek to Me

Greek is everywhere. Greece is called "the cradle of civilization." Just ask my friend, CZ.

CZ says, "Even the word ‘Krozek’ (my last name of Czech origin) comes from the Greek; ‘Kro’ from the Greek ‘Kronos’, or god of time, and ‘Zek’ from the Greek ‘Zeke’, or god of salesmen. Zeke has the hindquarters and legs of a frog, the horn of a rhinoceros, and the arms of a polar bear."

I note that, the parentage of Kronos Zeke (or Krozek) is unclear; in some legends he is the son of Hermes and in some he is the son of a god shaped like a Toad, the Greek god, Todus. His mother is said to be a nymph. His nature is quite alluring and his wit is sharp and quick. In some ways, other than his melange of body parts, Krozek seems to be identical to the Greek god Zahariosis, god of long legs with easy going demeanor.


Blogger searchquant said...

Much liberty has been taken by Tim, probably cause he went to Santorini once and so thinks himself steeped in Greek culture. Here's the original:

Even the word ‘Krozek’ comes from the Greek; ‘Kro’ from the Greek ‘Kronos’, or god of time, and ‘Zek’ from the Greek ‘Zeke’, or god of salesmen, whose time was famously wasted by his son ‘Timaitis’, so much so that he flew too close to the sun trying to get away from his son, and fell back to earth & died.

12:05 AM


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