This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Monday, December 18, 2006

My Favorite Story of 2006

I was concerned that 2006 would come and go with a "KroBlog Favorite Story of 2006." I had considered various stories:

1. Google's acquisition of YouTube.
2. LaDanian Tomlinson's record breaking year in the NFL.
3. That weird dude who claimed to be Jon Benet's killer.
4. North Korea's underground nuclear testing.
5. The continued coverage of Barry Bond's steroid use.
6. Any story involving the war in Iraq.
7. Any story involving Terrell Owens.

But then I came across this: an Indian runner fails a gender test. Fascinating. This "woman" wins a silver medal in some international competition, someone requests some tests, and she fails these gender tests. Sure, that's interesting, but what's really interesting is to watch the video of some people defending "her," claiming that the tests are not only unfair themselves, but that it's unfair that the officials didn't give enough notice that these gender tests are going to take place. WHAT?!?!?


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