This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Two Quick Things

Two quick things on this Thursday afternoon...

1. I need to share with you the genius that is Nicholas Henry Krozek. The boy is brilliant. He is constantly creating and using new vocabulary in daily conversation. My favorite word that he has created, though, is "yesternight." Yesternight is way more clear and descriptive than "last night." Yesternight just makes way more sense. Think about it. Last night? What is last night? There is no such thing as last night. Nights just keep going on and on...I don't know of a last night, do you? If there was a last night, we wouldn't be here anymore, because, afterall, it would be THE LAST NIGHT. And just to think, Nick is only 4 years old - the kid's got it going on!

2. The other thing I want to high-light to you KroBlog readers is that "Spring Break Shark Attack" is on CBS this Sunday night (3/20), 9pm Pacific. This made-for-TV-movie is sure to be brilliant. It's going to be like Jaws, but x 100, and the sharks will look even faker and the people on the beach will be even dumber and drunker. Watch it - it's surely a modern day classic.


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