This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dirty Cars

While we here at the KroBlog take great pride in creating content for readers and consumers of all ages, this next blurb, may not be for everyone. It could create confusion, perhaps, for kids, forcing an unwilling parent to explain the humor in the following story. But, so be it.

My wife and I were in Tahoe last weekend (just the two of us!) and were driving behind a filthy SUV, coated with dirt, especially on the back window.

On the window, in the dirt, someone had written: "I wish my girlfriend was as dirty as this car."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you serious? You've never encountered this banal, humourless and frankly aged line before? I'm in awe of your total lack of observational skills, because that drivvel is written on about 4-5% of all mud and dust-crusted vehicles. Sadly, whilst you should have perhaps been compelled to comment on the sheer unoriginality of the scrawl, you opted instead to highlight that which you somehow managed to glean as "Funny." The fact that you had to spell this out - nay, devote an entire paragraph to it - is testament to the vacuous chasm that is your blogging ability. Cease this madness.

1:40 PM


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