This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Discover Music You Didn't Even Know You Liked

If you love music and you're looking for some new stuff to listen to, look no further than Tim Westergren's company, (formally The Savage Beast). Simply submit a few of your favorite bands or songs and Pandora will create a personalized radio station for you. The idea comes from its Music Genome Project. Tim's belief is that all music has over 400 attributes and by uncovering the music you like (or the bands you like) Pandora can actually suggest lots of other music that will like - this music will share many of the same attributes (like mood, tempo, etc) as your "hub" song(s) or band(s).

You may recognize Tim's name from his popular SF band, Yellow Wood Junction.

Check it out!


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