This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Medlar Red Pepper Spice

I just got back from Hong Kong and thought I would share with you an English translation from a package of Medlar Red Pepper Spice used for cooking. This is on the package itself:

"Medlar unwarranted anxiety: Medlar the kind of unwarranted anxiety numerous, kind is each different, this article from Ning Xia Yinchuan south beam farm production, in it, contain sugar, is exquisite, red and gorgeous to want to drip, form similar ruby and the color of dry fruit are ruddy, leather thin meat is thick, seed few taste has even pellet willingly, divides into with size district: Medlar the king of unwarranted anxiety and special grade, a level Medlar unwarranted anxiety."

Sounds yummy.


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