This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Monday, August 29, 2005

How Long Should I Be Grounded?

I am hoping that this entry will finally inspire the flood of comments and feedback that my blog so clearly deserves.

So here's the scoop.... My wife is on the nest. We're due with our third child on October 5th. In recent weeks, I have had the opportunity to travel for business - London, LA and Seattle.

My wife has requested that I extricate myself from extensive travel as of September 1st. After some BRIEF (.25 seconds) consideration, I agreed that this seemed sound and reasonable. Others have disagreed, claiming that one should be grounded only two or three weeks before the due date and as long as you were only a couple of hours away (flight time), one could even extend that out closer to due date.

What is the recommended date to stay close to home?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

0.5 days. time is $.

4:48 PM


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