This is my attempt to create some interesting musings, uberservations and, perhaps, insights on both my personal and professional life.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

CSI: Miami

I am fan of David Caruso. He was awesome in one of my favorite movies, An Officer and a Gentleman. He played the geeky guy who was picked on by the sergeant and ultimately was kicked out of basic training for almost drowning during the "plane-crashing-in-the-water simulation."

Caruso got a lot cooler in NYPD Blue, and again as a cop in the laughable movie, Jade, filmed in San Francisco. But perhaps his greatest role is in CSI: Miami. He delivers overly dramatic, non-sequitur cheesy lines at the same rate as pizza delivery guy on Friday nights in a college town.

But I digress. The real reason for this post is not to speak the praises of Caruso, but rather to talk about one of the greatest injustices in prime time television. The "killing-off" of ultra cool guy, "Tim Spiedle," aka Speed. The guy was quite simply, money.

He never cracked a smile. You felt like he would start kicking ass every time someone asked him a question. No question is a dumb question? Not with Speed....every question is a dumb question. He was such a bad ass that he knew the answer to your question before you could even finish it. Shame on CBS for killing him off!

And the way they killed him off? Some lame excuse about not cleaning his gun! HA! Speed was the consummate professional. Like he wouldn't clean his pistol!?! Shame on CBS for taking away Speed and replacing him with a poor-man's Tobey McGuire look alike who can't act. Miami is a much more dangerous place with the likes of Tim Spiedle to protect its citizens.

Miami's only hope is that Crockett and Tubbs come back to serve and protect the greater Miami -Dade area!


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